With ACH you can pay your bills and transfer funds to other accounts, you just have to have a bank account (savings or checking) and access to online banking or mobile banking. If you don’t have it, request it from your Financial Institution.
With ACH you can pay your bills and transfer funds to other accounts, you just have to have a bank account (savings or checking) and access to online banking or mobile banking. If you don’t have it, request it from your Financial Institution.
Make all your payments and transfers to any bank account, at any time of the day, every day of the week, safely and reliably. You will save time, and you will have better control and administration of the accounts that you have created in the different Financial Institutions, from your online banking or mobile banking.
Your Financial Institution will have the ability to offer all of its clients the highest quality services, making it possible to expand your business opportunities. . Manual intervention or operational work is eliminated, which represents a reduction in costs through electronic information processing, as well as the reduction of processes and resources involved in handling cash and / or checks.
ACH Directo optimizes the payment and collection processes of companies and reduces operating costs in handling cash and / or checks when making payments and collections. This means a reduction in the risk in financial operations for your workers, suppliers and for the company in general since it reduces arrears by speeding up the reconciliation process and possible late payment surcharges.